8 years ago

Psicofarmacología 95

  • Text
  • Atencion
  • Cognitivas
  • Sesgos
  • Distimia
  • Pramipexol
  • Riluzole
  • Quetiapina
  • Lamotrigina
  • Resistente
  • Apego
  • Vasopresina
  • Oxitocina
  • Empatia
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicofarmacología y Neurociencia.

Dr. Adriana Sánchez

Dr. Adriana Sánchez Toranzo, Dra. Federica Hansen attention in depression. Depression and Anxiety. 27:1135-42. - Ramasubbu R, Konduru N , Cortese F, Bray S, Gaxiola-Valdez I, Goodyear B. (2014). Reduced Intrinsic Connectivity of Amygdala in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder Front Psychiatry. 5:17. - Roca M, Vives M, López-Navarro E, García- Campayo J, Gili M. (2015). Cognitive impairments and depression: a critical review. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 43(5):187-93. - Romero N, Sánchez A, Vázquez C. (2014). Memory biases in remitted depression: The role of negative cognitions at explicit and automatic processing levels. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 45:128-35. - Sánchez A, Vázquez C, Marker C, Lemoult J. Joormann J. (2013). Attentional disengagement predicts stress recovery in depression: An eyetracking study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 122:303-13. - Sass SM, Heller W, Fisher JE, Silton RL, Stewart JL, Crocker LD, Edgar JCh, Mimnaugh KJ, Miller GA .(2014). Electrophysiological evidence of the time course of attentional bias in non-patients reporting symptoms of depression with and without co-occurring anxiety. Psychol frontal. 5:301. - Scheurich A, Fellgiebel A, Schermuly I, Wolfges R, Muller M, Bauer S. (2008). Experimental evidence for a motivational origin of cognitive impairment in major depression. Psychological Medicine. 38:237-46. - Segal ZV, Gemar M, Truchon C, Guirguis M, Horowitz LM. (1995). A priming methodology for studying self-representation in major depressive disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 104:205–13. - Shechner T, Jarcho JM, Britton JC, Leibenluft E, Pine DS, Nelson EE. (2013) Attention bias of anxious youth during extended exposure of emotional face pairs: an eye-tracking study. Depress Anxiety. 30(1):14-21. - Singh MK Ian H. Gotlib IH. (2014). The Neuroscience of Depression: Implications for Assessment and Intervention. Behav Res Ther. 62:60-73. - Soltani S, Newman K, Quigley L, Fernandez A, Dobson K, Sears C. (2015). Temporal changes in attention to sad and happy faces distinguish currently and remitted depressed individuals from never depressed individuals. Psychiatry Res. 230(2):454-63. - Sumner JA, Powers A, Jovanovic T, Koenen KC. (2015). Genetic influences on the neural and physiological bases of acute threat: A research domain criteria (RDoC) perspective. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 17. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32384. [Epub ahead of print]. - Talarowska M, Zajączkowska M and Gałecki P. (2015). Croatia cognitive functions in firstepisode depression and recurrent depressive disorder. Psychiatria Danubina. 27(1):38-43. - Taylor AM, Harris AD Varnava A, Phillips R, Taylor JO, Hughes O Wilkes AR, Hall JE, Wise RG. (2015). A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study to Investigate the Utility of a Picture Imagination Task in Investigating Neural Responses in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain to Daily Physical Activity Photographs. PLoS One. 23;10(10):e0141133. - Vázquez C, Hervás G, Hernangómez L, y Romero N. (2010). Modelos cognitivos de la depresión: Una síntesis y nueva propuesta basada en 30 años de investigación. Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 18, 139- 65. - Wang L, Labar KS, Smoski M, Rosenthal MZ, Dolcos F, Lynch TR, Krishnan, R.R., Mccarthy, G. (2008). Prefrontal mechanisms for executive control over emotional distraction are altered in major depression. Psychiatry Res. 163:143–55. - Yovel I., Mineka S. (2005). Emotion-congruent attentional biases: the perspective of hierarchical models of emotional disorders. Pers. Individ. Dif. 38, 785-95 26 // EDITORIAL SCIENS


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